1.Clean the cube moulds 6 Nos thoroughly and tight all nuts-bolts properly.
2.Apply oil to all contract surface of mould.
3.Size of mould is normally from the mixing spot while concreting.
4.Take the random sample from the mixing spot while concreting.
5.Fill the concrete in cubes in 3 layers.
6.Compact each layer with 35 Nos of stroke by tamping rod.
7.Finish the top surface by trowel after completion of last layer.
8.Cover the mould by damp hessian cloth immediately to prevent loss of water.
9.Each specimen should be taken from various locations of proposed concreting.
10.After 24 hours remove specimen out of mould.
11.While removing, take care to avoid breaking of edges.
12.put coding on cubes by paint or maker, coding should be self explanatory showing site name, concrete location, building number and date of casting.
13.Submerge the specimen in clean fresh water till the time of testing.
14.Test 3 specimens for 7 days and 3 specimens for 28 days curing.
15.Average strength of 3 cubes represents the strength of concrete of particular portion of the structure.